Textielkunstenares   -   Fabric Artist  
Marja de Vries

Although I enjoyed drawing all my life I never went to art-school. During my Biology study (in 1977 bachelors degree at the RU Utrecht and in 1980 a teaching certificate at the RU Groningen) and in the period afterwards I made illustrations for several magazines and books.

The courses I took at CICO (Center for Intuitive and Creative Development) in Utrecht from 1990 until 1992 brought me closer to the essence of my strong connection with nature and stimulated the development of my intuitive communication with nature. The images I "saw" in dreams and meditations were asking to be brought out and expressed in the world of matter.

The vision quests in 1993 and 1994 under supervision of Brooke Medicine Eagle (Montana, USA) were of great help for me to integrate the different aspects in my life (being woman, my love for nature and my interest in spirituality) and to express them in my art through my wallhangings.

"Painting" with fabric

While I worked through the years with different kinds of materials, I started in 1993 to work with fabric. After learning some basic techniques from books, I developed a free form of patchwork, based e.g. on "foundation-paper-piecing", sometimes in combination with (reverse) appliqué which makes it possible so to speak to "paint" with fabric. I used as well plain as printed cotton fabric. The relief that comes into being through the use of (machine) quilting adds some extra accents, making the energy radiation even stronger.

As soon as this way of working took shape I got already in 1994 my first commissions. From that moment I received commissions as well from The Netherlands as from abroad (USA, Canada and Germany). The skills I have developed on meditation and psychic reading, enabled me to work in commission in my specific way based on the images I "see".
Further developments

My work (as well my technique as the content) has developed a lot as a logical result of my personal development. From 1994 until 1996 I attended a training in Dreamwork, making the language of images and symbols more and more accessible to me. As a result of attending (during 1995 til 1997) several classes in "Awareness" and "Philosophy" given by Tom Brown, Jr (New Jersey, USA) my capacity to see energy as images increased. Those classes also helped me to be able to enter the worlds of the non-physical reality more and more. An impressive initiation in Peru with Juan Nunez del Prado [link verwijderen] in 2000 took me further on this path.

In 2000 and 2001 I attended the course "Awakening your Lightbody" with John Kalse (Twello, NL) and in 2001 the workshop "Flower of Life" according Drunvalo Melchizedek. Both helped me to be able to see the beautiful images of the non-physical world clearer.

Except the 9 postcards recently published by Aurora Productions , Noord-Scharwoude (NL), my work has been published several times in the calender "We'Moon: Gaia Rhythms for Womyn", Mother Tongue Ink (Oregon, USA), namely in We'Moon '95, We'Moon '98, We'Moon '99, We'Moon '00 and We'Moon '01. In 2001 I was selected as one of the 13 artists/authors for the We'Moon award. The magazine "Textiel Plus" (sept. 2000) published one of my wallhangings and the magazine "Quiltnieuws" (sept. 2001) wrote a three page portrait-article. RTV-Oost (regional TV), broadcasted an artist portrait in november 2001.

Besides my work as a fabric artist, I also taught dreamcourses (how to understand the messages in our dreams) and several times I taught courses and workshops about intuitive communication with nature.