marja de vries
Articles written by Marja de Vries
For the webbook 'The hidden power of Love in Learning'
- 'Soul-Based-Learning & Universal Laws',2004, by Marja de Vries,written for the webbook The Hidden Power of Love in Learning edited by Charlotte Korbee; also in Anthology 2004 "Path to Peace - Soul in Education", Global Meeting in Budapest 21st-24th october, 2004, published by SEAL-Hungary Foundation and the Institute for European Connections, oct. 2004, Budapest, Hungary; p. 61-72
For the magazine Educare
Since 2006 I write articles for the magazine Educare: about living and learning with children, published by the Foundation Universal Education (All these articles are in Dutch):
- 'Learning and education on its way to flourishing (Pdf-download) by Marja de Vries (in Dutch), published in EducarePlus, september 2011/4, p. 28-34.
- 'Inspiration for children and the 7 universal laws , (Pdf-download) interview with Anita Brouwers by Marja de Vries (in Dutch), published in EducarePlus, september 2011/4, p. 35-38.
‘Learning in touch with our feeling: valuable understandings about learning and playing based on 6 years Iederwijs’(Pdf-download) by Marja de Vries (in Dutch)
"Iederwijs works. That is the conclusion of the founders of the Iederwijs-school in Lopik based on more than 6 years of experience. The process of the past years has given them more and more understanding of what they are doing and why it works. The results show this. Time to share these valuable understandings with others." This article is published in Educare, 2008/4, p. 6-9. -
‘New points of departure for learning and education: Learning in line with universal laws’ (Pdf-download) by Marja de Vries (in Dutch)
"There is – not only in The Netherlands, but wordlwide - a need for a new vision on learning and education, so it will be possible that learning and education flexibly will fit in with all the radical changes that are happening at the moment: with the many new understandings about learning, with the changing needs in the society like restoring balans and with the needs of the children of today."
This article is published in Educare, 2008/3, p. 6-9. -
'Learning starts in the womb, parenting starts during pregnancy’, (Pdf-download) by Marja de Vries (in Dutch),
"The most recent understandings based on Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology (PPN) research reveal, that we are conscious, aware, and perceptive beings from the beginning of life. We learn intensely, communicate actively and are involved in relationships long before birth and even before the brain is formed. From this perspectief PPN examines what best supports an optimal beginning of our lives."
This article will be published in Educare, 2008/2, p. 6-9. -
'The Yin Yang School: a school for body and spirit' (Pdf-download) by Marja de Vries (in Dutch),
"How will be a school where conscious parenting and conscious education are daily practice, so there will be an atmosphere that is optimal for children to grow and learn, where children not only learn with joy, but also develop themselves into powerful, complete personalities who are capable of much more than we are tend to think is possible?"
This article is published in Educare, 2008/1, p. 6-9. (This Dutch article is based on the english article 'A Guide for Raising Your Child' by Mary Bell Nyman). -
'Children learn all the time, they can't do otherwise', (Pdf-download) by Marja de Vries (in Dutch)
"Children who are born and raised in balanced cultures are generally joyful, kind, social and very independent. They don't know competition and learn with joy, often without someone teaching them. Above all they are powerful, complete personalities with self-confidence and responsibility. Is it possible to learn something from the way children grow up in not western cultures?"
This article is published in Educare, 2007/4, p. 6-9. -
'Creating the optimal atmosphere for growth and learning', (Pdf-download) by Marja de Vries (in Dutch), "Children can't learn in an optimal way while having the feeling that they have to defend themselves at the same time. When children often have the feeling that they have to defend themselves, in the end they identify themselves with this self-defense reaction. Because of this the state for optimal learning can get out of reach almost completely. Therefore creating the optimal atmosphere for growth and learning needs conscious teachers and conscious parents. Further explanation in this article based on the book The Biology of Belief by celbiologist Bruce Lipton."
This article is published in Educare, 2007/3, p. 6-9. -
'Ecstasy and Passion: learning with joy' (Pdf-download) by Marja de Vries (in Dutch),
"We learn naturally and all our life, learning is fun and we can learn best when we learn with joy, we are capable to much more than we tend to think and to develop all our potential a balanced developing of our complete personality is necessary, according to George Leonard, author of the book Education and Ecstasy."
This article is published in Educare, 2007/2, pag. 6-9 - 'A decidedly different vision of learning: Schools will change radically' (Pdf-download) by Stephanie Pace Marshall, translated and revised (in Dutch) by Marja de Vries,
"The recent revolutionary new understandings based on quantum physics, chaos theory, evolution biology, neuro-sciences and cognitive sciences give a completely new understanding of the process of learning and education. From this new perspective we can dismiss not working models for organized learning and get an idea of how living dynamic self-organizing learning communities could take shape."
This article is published in Educare, 2006/4. pag. 6-9.