marja de vries
Summary of CHAPTERs 4 - 11
from 'The Whole Elephant' by Marja de Vries
© 2007, Marja de Vries;translation into english by Veronica Verkaik
Chapters 4 to 11, like chapter 3, each in principle address one universal law in turn, while Chapter 6 is about a number of laws derived from the Law of Vibration.
Each chapter first defines the universal law from the perspective of the common insights of the wisdom traditions. This first part of each chapter begins with a summary of the key points of the universal law. Because each wisdom tradition has its own perspective and terminology, I then illustrate and explain the universal nature of each law in more detail using examples from the different traditions. In the second part of each chapter, I indicate where this universal law can be recognized within present-day Western science. In some cases, I am able to do this by referring to generally accepted, scientifically proven perceptions, while in others, I refer to perceptions, hypotheses or theories of individuals and pioneers, whether or not supported by experimental evidence.
As the operation of the different universal laws and the principles of sacred geometry involve dynamics that intertwine and form a vast complex whole, it is virtually impossible to view the individual laws in separation from each other. However, to keep the whole as comprehensible as possible, each subsequent chapter builds on the previous one. In this way, a picture of the whole emerges step-by-step, at the same time revealing the interconnectedness of the universal laws. In the successive chapters, the practical applications of these universal principles in our personal and social life also become clearer. All the universal principles, including the Golden Section as a universal principle, are united in the seventh universal law, the Law of Dynamic Balance, which is of special importance in the context of growth and development and the restoring of balance. Chapter 10 describes this Law of Dynamic Balance and the insights into the Golden Section based on the common insights of the wisdom traditions. Chapter 11 is the second part, describing the awakening perceptions into this universal law in present-day Western science.
The second universal law is the Law of Correspondence, which states that different levels of reality exist in the universe. As the same universal principles operate at all these different levels, there is unity and wholeness throughout the universe. The different levels of reality shade into each other creating a continuum, and because everything is connected with everything else, all the changes at one level affect all the other levels. The law also states that everything that exists at the level of the physical reality also exists at the other levels of reality. This means that we, too, do not exist solely in the world of matter, but as multidimensional beings we also exist on the other levels of reality.
Aspects of the Law of Correspondence can clearly be recognized in present-day Western science, for example in the concept of the holographic universe and more recently as the fractal principle in the Chaos Theory. Research into our consciousness and brain activity also reveals that our capacity to perceive the different levels of reality is dependent on the state of consciousness in which we find ourselves.
The third universal law is the Law of Vibration, which states that everything vibrates and is in motion as everything that exists is energy. The movement of energy follows the path of least resistance. In the universe, nothing is exactly the same as anything else, because everything that exists has a unique and often complex pattern of vibration. The difference between the different levels of reality is formed by a difference in frequency of vibration. We human beings also each have a unique vibration pattern. Everything permanently influences everything else via the principle of harmonic resonance, according to which similar or nearly similar vibration patterns tend to resonate with each other. In addition, higher vibrations have the capacity to transform lower vibrations whereas the reverse is not the case. In consequence, there is a natural tendency in the universe toward the higher frequencies. Because we have a free will, we are able to act counter to the direction of this flow, but it is also possible to consciously choose to allow it to work to our advantage.
The essence of the Law of Vibration can clearly be recognized in the perceptions of modern Western science, ever since quantum physicists discovered that the universe and everything in the universe, including matter, essentially consists of energy. Modern technology has now made it possible to measure the unique vibration patterns of many phenomena in the universe. Recent research shows that energy fields have a profound regulating effect on our physical body. It has moreover been ascertained that a relationship exists between our frequency pattern and the nature of our awareness.
The multi-faceted aspects of the Law of Vibration give rise to numerous derived laws, which we may consciously use to our advantage in many ways. The Law of Attraction - that what we send out as thoughts, feelings and convictions we attract to ourselves, based on the principle of harmonic resonance - can be used to consciously attract to ourselves what we desire. Using the Mirror principle - that what we are unconscious of becomes visible - we can read our reality as a reflection of ourselves and thus get to know ourselves better. With the help of the Law of Attention - that what we focus our attention on, we attract to ourselves to a higher degree - we can create positive changes in our lives by consciously choosing to focus our attention on what we desire. With our mind, we can consciously and unconsciously exert an influence on our body. Many healers in their healing make use of the fact that higher vibrations have the power to transform lower vibrations. In achieving our soul purpose, we can also make conscious use of this principle.
We are currently encountering many aspects of these laws derived from the Law of Vibration as the latest cutting-edge perceptions in Western science. Theories and experimental findings in many different disciplines support the perception that we co-create our own reality with our thoughts, convictions and intentions. A growing number of scientists are also beginning to assume the existence of a link between our consciousness and our intention on the one hand and the phenomenon of the hard to measure 'subtle energy' on the other. These assumptions appear to be confirmed by experimental research, in particular in China and Russia.
The fourth universal law is the Law of Polarity, which states that duality forms the nature of the universe and that this polarity is relative. This means that no absolute differences exist, but that everything is a matter of degree. Differences are not absolute, but relative, and in fact we do not perceive objective phenomena, but only relationships, therefore only phenomena in relation to each other. All the pairs of opposites can be reconciled at a higher level, in other words in the form of a synthesis, which surpasses the qualities of the individual elements. The Law of the Divine Paradox states that truths, too, are relative and dependent on the perspective. The paradox of this law, however, is that, alongside many relative truths, there also exists an Absolute Truth. In other words, in addition to the many different observations by the blind people in the Sufi story, the elephant itself quite definitely exists as well.
We come across the Law of Polarity in Western science firstly in the form of the paradoxes of quantum physics. One of the most radical perceptions based on this is that even objective observations appear to be relative, because what we observe turns out to be dependent on the context. It is the context which gives meaning or value to the facts. We encounter the Law of the Divine Paradox as the opposition between epistemology - the study of what we know - and ontology - the study of what in reality exists, whether we actually know it or not.
The fifth universal law is the Law of Rhythm, which states that nothing remains the same and everything is constantly changing. There exists a multiplicity of different cyclical movements with a great diversity in length of time. The phenomenon of time creates the possibility for change and hence for growth and development, because these ever recurring cyclical movements are cycles of continual renewal. The evolution process is a non-linear, spiral development process, in which growth and development do not take place gradually, but in which chaotic periods serve as a condition for radical changes to occur. Human beings are also part of a spiral evolutionary process, in which our body is part of the spiral biological evolutionary process and our soul is the driving force behind the spiral evolution of our consciousness. The more we are able to recognize the rhythmical waves of our growth process, the more we are able to go 'with the flow' and feel supported in this spiral evolutionary process of our consciousness. Humanity as a whole is also characterized by a spiral evolutionary process.
The Law of Rhythm also resounds in the latest scientific understandings, particularly since Western science has begun regarding reality and everything within it as dynamic processes. Since Albert Einstein's relativity theory, the scientific paradigm for the phenomenon of time has changed and the phenomenon of nonlocality has now been characterized by some people as the most important discovery in the history of science. Based on the Chaos Theory, complex dynamic systems are described as a dynamic whole consisting of many different rhythms and cycles with a great variation in length of time, which are all in harmony with each other. This has also shed a whole new light on the mechanisms underlying the evolutionary process. The essence of the evolutionary process is now regarded by pioneers as being a non-linear, spiral development process, in which dynamic systems have the tendency to develop toward increasing complexity in physical form and toward increasing awareness.
The sixth universal law is the Law of Cause and Effect, which states that every cause has its effect and every effect has its cause. What we perceive as the physical reality are the visible effects of the subtle dynamics of nonvisible causes. In the nonvisible world of cause, the visible world of effect is created by consciousness, thoughts, feelings, intentions, and all other forms of energy. Because all effects have a cause and nothing in the universe occurs outside this context, nothing happens 'by chance'. However, small actions may have large effects. The Golden Rule: 'Be unto others as you would have them be unto you' is based on insight into the operation of this law and points to the fact that what we do to other people we ultimately do to ourselves. Insight into the workings of this law gives us the opportunity to learn from the effects of our actions and on this basis to develop ourselves based on these lessons. What is more, we can apply an understanding of this law to become conscious 'causers' and to create the effects that we desire. The Law of Karma is the Law of Cause and Effect in the longer term and relates to the development of our consciousness on the basis of the lessons that we learn. This law teaches that the only desire of the soul is to develop toward higher levels of consciousness. From this perspective, we can look on difficult situations as opportunities or challenges for growth.
Scientific understandings on causality have also recently gained momentum and these new perceptions are also increasingly in line with the Law of Cause and Effect. Ever since Western scientists have regarded the world as consisting of energy and fields, it has also become more apparent that causes are to be found in fact on the non-physical plane of reality. The new perceptions of the Chaos Theory have revealed the hidden causality existing in dynamic non-linear complex systems. It is becoming increasingly unlikely that the working of the universe is based on coincidence. Not coincidence, but extensive feedback systems as well as so-called strange attractors are found to play a role in hidden causality. Seen from the new perspective, the process of evolution is described as chaos-with-feedback. The phenomenon of synchronicity is conceived as being a part of a multidimensional feedback system and consciousness is more and more being seen as a nonvisible causal factor. Finally, the perceptions of death have also gained momentum within Western science, in particular following scientific research into transpersonal experiences, memories of past lives and near-death experiences. There is even a growing assumption not only that consciousness is located outside the brain, but also that there might well be continuity of consciousness.
The seventh universal law is the Law of Dynamic Balance. Insight into this law is of particular importance in the context of restoring and creating harmony and balance. In the Law of Dynamic Balance, all the universal principles appear to converge. The Law of Dynamic Balance states that everything in the universe is composed of two seemingly opposite forces. These two seemingly opposite but complementary principles are in fact the only two forces in the universe. While they appear in many different forms, the basic pattern of these two opposing aspects is that of expansion and contraction. The outwardly directed aspect of expansion is also referred to as being 'male' and the inwardly directed aspect of contraction as 'female'. These two complementary principles work in partnership in the process of creation and without these two active dynamic principles, no creation and no life is possible. If this harmonious interplay remains undisturbed, these two principles create a dynamic balance. Because both aspects are present in everything that exists, the entire universe has a permanent tendency toward a dynamic equilibrium.
Growth and development occur where there is a certain degree of imbalance in this dynamic equilibrium, in such a way that the relation between the two opposite but complementing principles inclines toward the uniting and integrating aspect of contraction. This latter aspect is, in fact not only in opposition to the aspect of expansion, but at the same time forms the connection and synthesis of both these apparent opposites with each other as well as with the greater whole. In other words, the female principle also embodies the relationship between the two opposite principles as well as the relationship between the parts and the whole.
Just as all pairs of opposite and complementary forces have in essence the same basic pattern of expansion and contraction, the process of creation likewise has in essence a basic pattern. All forms of creation are the result of the dynamic balance between energy and form. According to the Law of Vibration, the natural movement of energy follows the path of least resistance. The form of this optimally efficient movement of energy is the Golden Mean spiral, which is based on the Golden Ratio. This Golden Ratio is characterized by very special and absolutely unique properties and it is these special properties that underlie the dynamic and creative balance between energy and form. For example, one of these very special properties is that the Golden Ratio creates 'unity in ratio', causing the entire universe to be a harmonic whole of ratios and maintaining the relationship between all the parts and the original Whole. In Nature, we particularly find this 'unity in ratio' in the form of the so-called Fibonacci series. A dynamic balance enabling optimal growth and development occurs when the degree to which the balance inclines toward the inwardly directed integrating 'female' aspect corresponds to the Golden Ratio. In other words, the Golden Ratio is the optimal ratio for growth.
Because everything in the universe is composed of these two active, dynamic principles of expansion and contraction, the same applies to each one of us. In each of us, too, the outwardly directed male principle as well as the inwardly directed female principle are present, for example in the form of the well-known pair of our rational-logical mind and our feeling-intuitive capacity. While the rational-logical mind directs itself mainly to outward phenomena, the feeling-intuitive capacity directs itself not only to inward phenomena, but also to mutual relationships and the relationship of ourselves with the greater whole.
While in the past several thousand years, our Western culture has seen a dominance of the analytical, outwardly directed, centrifugal 'male' aspect, insight into the operation of this law reveals that to restore the dynamic balance, both in ourselves and globally, a complete shift in emphasis in this balance is needed, from this analytical, centrifugal aspect toward the inwardly directed, unifying and integrating aspect that also forms the connection with the greater whole. Deep within ourselves, we all have the tendency toward balance between these two opposite but complementing forces. It is above all our soul that gives us this longing for inner balance, and the more conscious we are of our contact with our soul, the more powerfully we will experience this inner driving impulse.
By consciously using our free will, we can choose to restore this dynamic balance, which is not an either/or choice between the two apparently opposite aspects, but an efficient interaction of the analytical, centrifugal male principle and the unifying and integrating female principle. If we desire not only to restore the balance in ourselves and in the world as a whole, but also to create a situation in which growth and development are possible, then it is necessary to create a certain degree of imbalance in this dynamic balance, to such an extent that the balance inclines somewhat toward the inwardly directed, unifying and integrating aspect. In practice, this means a shift in emphasis from head to heart, from the rational mind to intuition, from 'outwardly directed,' to 'inwardly directed', from quantity to quality and from freedom to responsibility.
While this book shows that various aspects of the other universal laws have been more or less familiar to Western science for some time, this Law of Dynamic Balance - and in particular the existence and importance of the inwardly directed, unifying and integrating aspect - has long been virtually unknown to Western scientists. Very recent, promising insights and assumptions emerging from the various disciplines show, however, that the insights into the Law of Dynamic Balance are now indeed beginning to become visible in the present-day scientific community as well as the very special place of the Golden Section in all this.
Based on new multidisciplinary understandings of dynamic complex non-linear systems, it is increasingly apparent that nearly everything in nature are open dynamic systems. The growing understandings of the operation of these dynamic systems reveals that these self-organizing systems are characterized by a balance between the familiar force of destruction and disintegration (entropy) and an opposite, different, relatively unknown, unifying integrating force (syntropy). It has also become clear that these open dynamic systems are characterized by an inner imbalance and a permanent tendency toward a delicate dynamic balance - the critical situation on the 'edge of chaos'. This self-organized criticality turns out to be the optimally stable condition for the dynamic system as a whole and at the same time the most creative condition for the parts of the systems. The new insights into dynamic systems have also demonstrated that forms in nature are indeed dynamic processes in physical form. The increasing scientific interest in the Golden Ratio has also led to a growing supposition that within these dynamic systems the Golden Ratio as the embodiment of the principle of the least action is an underlying universal principle.
We can recognize the two complementing aspects in ourselves in concepts such as the animus and anima, the left and right hemispheres of the brain and very recently the local and nonlocal - or 'classical' and 'quantum' - way of processing information. Even the importance of the delicate balance between these complementary aspects on the 'edge of chaos' is beginning to emerge as the optimal condition for the emergence of new things. This means that if we can bring ourselves into this state of dynamic balance, in which - according to the Butterfly Effect - relatively small efforts are able to produce large changes, we will have the power to create far-reaching changes in the world with relatively small efforts.
© 2007, Marja de Vries