New ways of learning and education

In this time of great transformations Marja de Vries focusses recently on new ways of learning and education. She is looking for new forms of learning and education better suited to present-day children and more in tune with the needs of this day and age and giving children the opportunity to develop their full potential. This asks for far-reaching transformations in public education. It asks for new ways of learning that correspond more closely to who we in essence are and that are also more in harmony with the world around us. New fundamental principles for such a transformation of public education that are acceptable for everyone - without being colored by a specific belief system, culture or period - have to be principles with general applicability and therefore of a universal nature.

Learning and education in line with the universal principles

When something operates in line with the universal laws
it goes relatively easy,
takes minimal effort,
is in more tune with who we really are and
is in harmony with the greater whole.

The universal laws which are described in all wisdom traditions, are such universal principles. When something operates in line with the universal laws is in more tune with who we really are and is in harmony with the greater whole. Besides it goes relatively easy and takes minimal effort. I describe such universal principles based on the common perceptions of ancient wisdom traditions and recent scientific discoveries that are in line with those insights in the book “The Whole Elephant Revealed”. On the basis of insights into these universal principles a whole new and coherent worldview becomes visible. It helps to get a better understanding of what is needed to restore the balance and harmony in ourselves as well as worldwide. It also becomes clear from this new perspective where we - and our culture - are and are not in line with these universal principles. This also makes clear to which degree we and the different aspects of our culture are or are not in harmony with our true nature and with the greater whole.

Second book - about "Societies in Balance'

'Individuals in Balance'
are individuals who - conscious or unconscious -
are and act in line
with the operation of the universal laws,
so they are able function
in an optimal way.

'Societies in Balance'
are societies, that have the insights
into the operation of the universal laws
as an inherent part of all aspects of their culture,

so they are able function in an optimal

One of the conclusions based on insights into the working of the universal principles is that ‘everything is interconnected with everything’. Therefore learning and education are inseparable from parenting and cultural conditioning. Parenting, education and cultural conditioning are shaped on the basis of the existing worldview and the cultural convictions and assumptions connected with that worldview. So, whether we are conscious of it or not, our worldview has a great influence on everything we do. It determines what we perceive, who we think we are and what we think a child is. It determines our convictions about what we are able to do, what we think that our needs are and it influences the nature and quality of all our relations. Therefore our worldview determines to a large degree how we shape our society. A transformation of our worldview is very radical because it turns everything we are used to upside down.
So the only way to recreate within a society the ways of learning and education on the basis of a totally new worldview, in fact is only possible when we also recreate the society of which this learning and education are an integral part on the basis of that new worldview. It is because of this insight that my second book, which is a work in progress at the moment, is not yet about the transformation of learning and education, but about the tranformation of the society as a whole from the current situation which is not lin line with the working of the universal laws toward a 'Society in Balance'. The term 'Society in Balance' I coined to describe a society that has the insights into the operation of the universal laws as an inherent part of all aspects of that culture so they are able function in an optimal way and all individuals can flourish.
My second book is about such 'Societies in Balance'. Such a transformation of a society as a whole is inextricably connected with radical personal transformations. In fact it requires a transformation of consciousness, so we will not only have a (rational) understanding of the working of the universal principles, but are able to embody these insights as an integral part of our way of life.

Third book - about 'Learning and Education in Balance'

'Learning and Eduaction in Balance'
are ways of learning and education
that have the insights
into the operation of the universal laws
as an inherent part of all aspects of the learningculture,

so teachers and students are and act -
conscious or unconscious -
in line with the operation of the universal laws,
so everyone can develop his or her unique talents in an optimal way
and contribute in a unique way to the wellbeing of all and everything.

In my third book I plan to write, I'll describe how we can use these insights as frame of reference for new ways of learning and education in correspondence with these universal principles and therefore also in line with ourselves and harmony with the greater whole of which we are a part. From the perspective of insights into the universal laws and a holistic worldview questions like Who are we? What is a child? What is the purpose of education? Why do we learn? How can we know and how do we learn? What will we learn? and of course What is our potential really? will have quite different answers, than from the perspective of our Western dualistic material worldview. It will also describe what qualities are required of the aldults who work with children.

For articles by myself click here

= Here are the articles I wrote in Dutch for the magazine Educare. Since 2006 I wrote several articles for the magazine Educare: about living and learning with children, published by the Foundation Universal Education
= And an article in english I wrote for the webbook 'The hidden power of Love in Learning' composed by Charlotte Korbee.


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